Podcast Episode #181: Membership Sites: A Sustainable Source of Income in 2021 with Shane Sams

Membership Sites
Are membership sites the way forward for generating income in 2021?
In today's podcast episode, I'm joined by Shane Sams who has created one 7-figure membership site and three 6-figure subscription models that has allowed his family to have the freedom they desired to have outside of a 9-5 job. Tune in for Shane's strategies and encouragement on how you too can develop a membership site that works for you.
Shane and Jocelyn Sams were school teachers, on a teacher's salary; just a normal working family, mortgage, two cars, two small kids…a regular American family stressed, working too many hours, spending too little time together, and struggling with debt. In the summer of 2012 after some rough times at work, they decided to start an online business and take control of their destiny. They would go on to replace their income, quit their full-time jobs, make millions online and build the life of their dreams! Now they're helping others control their own destiny with faith and hard work.
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