Podcast Episode #343:
Are you creating Unforgettable Experiences in Your Business (and events)? w/ Phil Mershon
Are you creating Unforgettable Experiences in Your Business (and events)?
Social Media Marketing World is an incredibly unique experience.
When creating an event, it's important to make it memorable for the attendees.
In today's episode, I'm joined by Phil Mershon, Director of Experience for Social Media and Social Media Marketing World as he shares some top things to make an event an unforgettable experience.
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Meet Phil
Connect with Phil:
Website: www.philmershon.com
Facebook: Phil Mershon
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philmershon/
Twitter: Phil Mershon (@Phil_Mershon) on X
Instagram: Instagram (@phil_mershon)
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Phil Mershon is the director of experience for Social Media Examiner. He's been designing the Social Media Marketing World experience for over a decade. Drawing from over 25 years in creating customized events, Phil loves to create memorable moments and transformational experiences. In addition, Phil is a jazz saxophonist, a pickleball enthusiast, and the author of Unforgettable: The Art and Science of Creating Memorable Experiences.
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