You want people to flock to your Facebook business page.
You have considered Facebook ads but want to know if you can get some FREE engagement on your page without having to pay for all of your opportunity. So many business owners I speak with tell me how frustrated they are with social media and Facebook specifically. That's one of the reasons I decided to write about Facebook post ideas for businesses to take some of the guesswork out for positive results.
With constant changing trends on Facebook and their algorithm, getting organic Facebook reach is more difficult than it has ever been. However, IT IS STILL POSSIBLE!
Did you hear me? It is quite possible to get engagement on Facebook! Facebook ads can be very powerful and I actually use them and like them in my business.
Don't you think it would be great though to have posts on your Facebook business page just busting with shares, comments and likes?
By making posts that leave people feeling excited and liking your content, they’ll be more likely to do exactly that.
Thus, you can get more people that are ready to engage with your brand and potentially your products or services.
This post will give you insight and ideas that can absolutely help you get more likes, comments and shares and ultimately increase traffic to your website.
Today I have 25 post ideas that any page manager or business owner can implement rather quickly I like to think of it as giving you some tested and fun quick wins!.
We're sure these tips will have your fans chomping at the bit to share, like and comment on your posts.
25 Facebook Post Ideas for Businesses Before You Spend Any Money on Facebook Ads
1. Ask ‘Easy to Answer’ Questions
People are busy even when they are on Facebook because they are scrolling and connecting with their friends and family. Sometimes by posting simple easy to answer questions, you make it easier for your readers to engage with you and answer your questions. The reason for this being a great things is because when you get engagement on Facebook, Facebook is paying attention. They take note. And when you start getting engagement on your posts, Facebook will then start showing more of YOU into those people's newsfeed organically. An example is to say, “For all the coffee drinkers, do you prefer regular or decaf?' or ‘What is your least favorite chore to do around the house?'
It doesn't have to be rocket science.
2. Post Questions You Get from Your Readers
When you create opportunities to allow your focus to be on the needs of your audience, it's a win win. You are able to spotlight their questions and additionally, others are able to speak up and voice their answers as well. It builds a sense of community. In my experience, people are very excited to give their feedback, opinions and insight to those questions.
3. Tips & Evergreen Value
We all most likely have a long list of blog posts ‘to read eventually'.
Considering everyone is running from one place to the next and consuming information quickly on social media, sharing tips and evergreen content on your Facebook page is a good idea.
Evergreen in the world of social media may sound like an oxymoron but think content that will most likely be accurate and relevant 6- 12 months from now.

4. Link to Valuable Information
People like great helpful information and that may not always just be on your own website, blog or other social platforms for your business. By providing links to helpful blog posts and websites that provide value to your readers, they will continue to see you as a leader in your industry.
5. Influencers and Experts
Whether it is a local media influencer in your town for the brick and mortar businesses or an online guru, you can always leverage those with authority in your Facebook posts. This could be an original curated post or even a quote from the influencer.
When others that are elevated in their respective opinions share common ground with your industry opinions, it elevates you.
6. Business Successes and Milestones of Celebrations
Don’t think of it as bragging. Think of it as you sharing the success that your business is having which confirms to your readers that they are in good hands when they are connecting with you for your products or services.
7. Quotes that Inspire
We all have seen in our newsfeed dozens and dozens of wise words of wisdom from leaders of days current and past. But when you use a visual graphic to post that same quote, it can help capture people’s attention and often times they enjoy liking, commenting and sharing those quotes. I know I do.
8. Post Images
Images not only take up more space in the newsfeed, but our brains are wired to pay attention to visuals. According to research by Life Learn , 65% of people retain information when it is paired with a relevant image and hearing it. Without the image the rate is drastically lower at only 10%.
9. Tell a Story
Since people connect with people and not necessarily brands, use storytelling in your posts to convey more depth of the value you offer. For example, rather than just saying ‘Today's soups are tomato soup and french onion.' You can say instead, “We're reminded of why we love using fresh local produce from Sunny Produce as we prepare for you two delicious soups. The soups of the day are tomato and french onion.” The later version gives more detail, talks about the collaboration within the community and talks about the relationships established in the community with the restaurant.
10. Post at Non-Peak Times
You can look in your Facebook Insights to identify when are your top-performing times of the day to post. But sometimes those times of day can be more competitive with businesses paying to get into people's feed. Experiment with posting at non-peak times. For example, post at 11:30pm and 4:30am and see if you get some traction on those posts.
And no, you don't have to be awake to post those. If you need help knowing how you can schedule on your Facebook page, Facebook themselves has some helpful information.
11. Do a Facebook Live Broadcast
Everyone has the ability to now do a Facebook live on personal pages, business pages, groups and events. Since Facebook is encouraging and wanting people to do Facebook Live, they currently are showing your broadcasts to more of your followers in their newsfeed.
Why is that important?
It is important because this means that Facebook is essentially helping you get more organic reach for free. Simply put, when Facebook wants something, and you do it, you can benefit.
Facebook Live is not only a great way to increase engagement while your broadcast is taking place, but once the broadcast ends, the Facebook Live remains on your timeline and people can continue to engage and watch. If you are sitting there wondering what to talk about on your Facebook Live, consider sharing some tips, helpful information or give value your target audience will love. Below you see Amy Porterfield doing a Facebook Live and answering questions with her audience about a product launch she was about to close.

12. Special Offers for Facebook
We all love to feel exclusive and that we’re really important.
Consider posting on Facebook a special limited time offer to your Facebook community only.
When you have a special offer that customers can redeem this will help them feel valued and it will also give you better metrics to measure your ROI (return on investment). Plus, it will also help your customers know that they should be paying attention to your newsfeed for future specials and offers that you post. It's always nice to keep people guessing (and curious) what you'll be posting about next.
13. Spotlight Businesses Doing Great Things
You read that right. Whether it’s a local business or someone else in your field or industry that compliments your service, showcasing someone else can go a long way with your followers. Also make sure you tag that business in the post as well and they may reciprocate sharing you in a post to their followers also. Think of it as doing unto others as you'd have them do to you. A great way I always look at my business best practices.
14. Recipes Rock
Imagine that! Food gets results. The odds are pretty high that your target audience is interested in great food recipes.
Whether it be a video, a link to the recipe or both, food recipes that capture your attention as you are scrolling may have a very high chance of also resonating with your audience on Facebook too. Check out the number of shares Kim Garst got on this video recipe in just five hours.

15. Keeping it Real and Being Human
Ever showed up to a meeting and forgot the laptop?
When you post on Facebook about moments in your day that didn't go quite perfectly or a sad circumstance, you allow your audience and readers to know that you too have things that come up in your day and that every post isn’t all magical and perfect. This can actual help people have more of an interest in connecting with your business on Facebook.
Over one BILLION people are on Facebook connecting with friends and family. When you show up on Facebook as a business it goes a long way to show up and ‘be human' too. By posting occasionally about these moments in your day on your Facebook page, you allow your readers to know that you too have things that come up in your day and helps you become more relatable and more likable.
16. Testimonials
When your customers or clients leave you a review on your Facebook page or send you a testimonial, post that on your Facebook page. Calligraphy by Elizabeth, a local business in Blacksburg, Virginia serving clients across the United States, simply created a beautiful visual of the testimonials that are on the review section of her Facebook page.
This is super smart marketing because they are recreating new content based on past customers.
Think of testimonials as a way for you to have your customers saying how much they love you. According to research by Bright Local about online reviews, 88% of people surveyed trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
17. Getting to Know Your Team (and YOU)
Consider posting a photo on social media saying ‘THANKS’ to your staff when they do a wonderful job, or spotlighting a repeat customer that you absolutely love working with. When you bring the human side to your team (or just to yourself if you are a solopreneur business owner) it helps people feel more connected with you and get to know more about the people that help the business shine and grow.
18. Share Someone Else's Content
When you are able to highlight someone else that is doing a great job in business it says a lot about your business. It not only shows that you are actively being ‘social' with others but it also shows that you are paying attention to other people putting out great information.
It also shows that you are brave enough to realize that there's enough social love to go around. Roshanda Pratt of The Rep Network does an excellent job of that in her business. As seen below, she shared with her audience a post of another brand.
19. Popular Local Events
This may apply more if you have a brick and mortar business in a community but local events are a wonderful way to create a buzz about current happenings in the area. Maybe it is a music festival or a local kids event but if it matches with what your target audience would be interested in, this is a super great way to not only get some great social interaction on your business page but it also shows that you are invested in the community.
20. Contests
So often on social media people like the idea of having a chance to win something for free. That said, you can use Facebook directly to do contests or even run the contest on your website. Either way, post on Facebook to let people know about the contest. Here are the Facebook contest guidelines.
21. Post Consistently on your Business Facebook Page
Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to social media strategy. Posting on your page randomly 3-5 times a month is not consistent. People are on social media and looking to make connections with brands they ‘KNOW, Like & TRUST’. When you post often it helps build your like, know and trust factor in a quicker period of time.
22. Humor, Motivation and Inspiration
When comparing social media to traditional media, people often times will see a vast difference. On social media, it is a smart strategy to include content that motivates, inspires or even makes people laugh.
That means it is perfectly okay for not every post to be business-related. In fact, I strongly encourage you to not have it be about business to have an effective social media strategy. Visuals can do quite well on Facebook regarding their engagement, by including humor, motivation, and inspiration in your posting strategy. These type of posts can actually increase your ‘shares' specifically because it isn't business related.

23. Free Downloads and ‘How-to-Guides’
In your wheelhouse of content that you want to deliver to your audience, consider including FREE guides, downloads, checklists or tips. When you take the time to create information that you know provides value to your readers, you can create a buzz about your Facebook page that will give people motivation to interact with your page. Plus this shows that you are ready to give value.
And people like that!
Additionally, often times when people find you offering something they want and love, they are prone to sharing that post on their page because they want others to know about the information also. When you can have other people talking about you on social media in a positive way, that's exactly what you want. Razor Social for example has a cheat sheet with '31 Tips to Drive More Traffic from Social Media to Your Website'.

24. Personal Life Glimpses and Behind the Scenes Photos
People want to know who the person behind the business is. Whether you are an obsessed Daymond John (@TheSharkDaymond) of Shark Tank fan or you love to run marathons, when you take that curtain back just a little and let people see more of who you are at the core, it ultimately lets them feel that they are getting to know more of who you are and it can deepen the connection with you, and your business. Trust me, you definitely want to try this if you have been keeping your feed ‘all business’.

25. Trending Topics
Facebook includes trending topics in their mysterious algorithm. So if you want to be considered for content on Facebook that will get rewarded and shown to more people, include posts for trending topics. Now if you can find trending topics that have a correlation to your targeted audience, that is ideal. For example, if Father's Day is approaching, you could post reminders about shopping for Father's Day or other areas on the topic that could benefit your audience.
Now I Want To Hear From You
I want to hear which of these are your favorite Facebook post ideas that you are going to use for your business page? I’d love to hear more about which posts give you the best LIKES, COMMENTS and SHARES. I hope these Facebook post ideas for businesses can help you start to implement some quick changes right away to start getting real results.
Also, if you have had wonderful success with this be sure and tell me about it in the comments.
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Thx for the great suggestions!
These are great tips! I especially love #7 and #22. I’ve also committed to doing my first FB Live by the end of 2016. I’m currently struggling with the anxiety of seeing myself on video, but I’m determined to push through my comfort zone. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom!
Hey Heather —Guess what? I had a glitch in a plug-in that wasn’t allowing me to reply to people..telling me I was spam..LOL
Thanks for taking the time to check out my 25 FB post ideas!
Thanks for this list. I am bookmarking it, and hopefully, it will help in posting more consistently. Coming up with ideas of what to post has always been my downfall.
One thing I have noticed is that posts that we create ourselves get a much bigger reach than those that we share of others. Any idea why that is?
I had a glitch in a plug-in that wasn’t allowing me to reply to people..telling me I was spam..LOL
How are things going for you in the business Laurie? Keep going and I know that you can make progress finding more clients that want to work with your niche!