You have your Twitter handle all picked out and signed up and you have begun tweeting.
It feels pretty good to now be in this space of Twitterland.
I mean, you can even walk up to someone at a networking event and use proper Twitter terminology in a very natural and comfortable way.
But, what can you do to make your Twitter experience for business better? All these people on Twitter are now starting to follow you, you have scores you also want to follow.
How can you try and organize your strategy on Twitter in a way that makes sense and is easy to use?
Twitter lists, I say! So, let's dive right into what Twitter lists are and how you can create them in minutes.
Twitter Lists Overview
A Twitter list is an organized group of Twitter users.
You have the ability to create your own lists or you can subscribe to lists that are created by others.
When you click on a list timeline it shows you a stream of Tweets that will include only the users on that list.
Viewing a list timeline will show you a stream of Tweets from only the users on that list.
So let's dive in and go step by step on how to create a Twitter list.
STEP 1: Click on your profile photo and a drop-down box appears. Then scroll down and click on ‘lists‘.
STEP 2: Click on ‘Create New List'.
STEP 3: Create the name of your list and include the optional description if you wish. The description can be helpful not only to you in the future but also to the people that see that you have added them to your list.
The privacy setting of a list can be either public or private. Simply select which you prefer and then click ‘Save list‘.
Sweet Tea Social Tip: When someone is adding to a public list, they are sent a notification letting them know they have been added. Keep that in mind and remember that you can use that to your advantage by adding people to lists that sound impressive. Would you rather see you were added to a list called ‘Authors' or ‘Fantastic Authors'?
STEP 4: Now you are ready to find people to add to the list you just made.
Sweet Tea Social Tip: If you find other people on Twitter that have public lists you will be able to see that they have lists as seen below. If you like the list that someone else has already created, simply click ‘SUBSCRIBE' while you are on their page and that list will then be added to your Twitter list feed.
In Conclusion
Twitter lists are easy to set up and can help you organize your interests by subject matter, industry leaders, etc.. Don't stop there. Continue to dive into ways you can use Twitter lists to grow your business.
What is a Twitter list you created that you find you use it most for business engagement? Leave your comments below.
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This is informative & succinct, Thank you. I’ve been wondering about Lists, but not investing the time to figure them out. You’ve made my life easier!
Trust me…Once you get more comfortable with lists, you’ll use them every day (and you’ll see how much TIME they save you).
I didn’t know what subscribe meant. Thanks. I have many lists
Very helpful information. I struggled to learn this on my own. Wish I had found this post months ago 🙂
Thank you, I see I am added to Lists, but am new to Twitter and didn’t know what that meant. I will utilize this~ I love organizing!
You go girl! Before you know’ll look at your Twitter lists more often that your Twitter newsfeed.
Thanks for sharing about lists! I am fairly new to Twitter and have been added to lists, but haven’t created any. Do you have any thoughts on the reasons behind making a list public or private?
Hi Brenda! I sure do. often times people will make a list private if it might have competitors..You might not want to create a list called Copy Worthy Managers…or Tweet Them Every Week. Maybe keep some of the strategy as a secret on some. Then other times people might create a list called Amazing Influencers in Marketing…and knowing that the moment you add someone to that list..they’ll get it kind of makes them feel good/important/special. Make sense?
Yep, Twitter lists have been very helpful and you can even pull them up in HootSuite. score
Heather, thank you so much for this post and it is very timely. I was on a webinar this weekend that mentioned Twitter list. They quickly explained it but it wasn’t clear to me. Your explanation is much more actionable. Implementing it now.
Awesome. Love to hear this. The lists make it so much more doable.
Some great info on Twitter lists, Heather. I’ve made some lists but found I don’t use them. I’m not the biggest fan of Twitter, it just moves too fast for me and I find it’s difficult to connect with people. Facebook is more my speed.
I admit…Facebook is my first love..
I’m not on Twitter much but this gives me hope not to discount it completely yet.
Yes, I admit Indira, I love me some Twitter 🙂
What a great step-by-step explanation of how to create Twitter lists. I did mine so long ago (and am so rarely on Twitter) that I need a refresher like this. Good stuff!
This has been so helpful to me! I never used Twitter much because it was so overwhelming and the posts were so random. Now I can look at what I want to see!! Soooo much better. Thanks Heather!!
Yeah! I am so glad that it helped Lori!